Jumat, 05 Juli 2013


Pada minggu ke-12, dosen meminta Dalam pertemuan yang ke-12 dosen memberikan contoh dari media pembelajaran berbentuk file yang isinya terdapat Macromedia, disana udah lengkap bagaimana cara membuat media pembelajaran yang baik yang dilengkapi dengan aturan seperti introduction,standar kompetisi, indicator, material, evaluation dan references
Dan disebuah file tersebut terdapat power point yang berisi tentang Visual Aids
-Visual Aids allow you to reach students of different learning styles because it adds a visual element to your oral presentation. This is especially important because today’s students seem to be more visual than other generations.
-It helps reinforce the key information in your presentation and keeps student interest focused on the front of the room.
-It allows you to give students clear prompts for their assignments, especially in-class assignments. They can always look up to refocus their attention to the assigned task.
-visual Aids can be used over and over again and can be electronically moved directly to a web site so that students can look at it again after class and as many times as they want.
There are speaker and audience advantage of visual aids:
Audience Advantages: Add clarity, indicate what's important, Reinforce key points, increase interest,reach different learning styles and aid retention.
Speaker Advantage: Show preparedness, add credibility, help reduce fright and add confidence.

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